Tag Archives: Julie Chen

Inspiring Your Child to Follow Their Dreams


Yesterday I had the total joy of taking My Favorite Little Mister on a date to the Symphony Center in Chicago {across from the Art Institute} to watch the Chicago Civic Orchestra rehearse Strauss’ Don Quixote’s Symphony with Yo-Yo Ma for an upcoming show that *I think* we actually have tickets to see coming up in April! We had the best day together and it was so fun to watch him take it all in.


My Favorite LIttle Mister starting taking cello last year and let’s just say he is PASSIONATE about music. I am a firm believer in inspiring your kids’ interests, whatever they may be, so when his cello teacher {who is in the circle, bottom left photo laying on stage with Yo-Yo Ma & my son is pictured with other cello students for a very quick group photo} told us we could come to a working rehearsal, I jumped at the chance. {We have also taken our son to The Piano Guys in concert … it is his dream to BE a Piano Guy, as well as taking him all the way to North Carolina to meet famous botanist & author Larry Mellichamp who wrote Bizarre Botanicals … 2 years ago my son was obsessed with botany. He is the most interesting kid I know.}


Anyways, he had no clue who Yo-Yo Ma even was, so we watched some Youtube videos before going. The hall itself is AMAZINGLY beautiful. I had never been before. There were probably only about 35 people in the entire audience. Initially we made our way to the first balcony, as I love looking down on the full orchestra to see all of the musicians. The doors to the box seats were unlocked, so we took our seats & pretended we were a king & queen. About 10 minutes later we got kicked out & had to come to the main floor {it was fun while it lasted!}


It was fascinating watching an orchestra practice! I loved it as the conductor was so informative & full of life. The first thing he did was to actually step down to see how long they could play without him, cuz “who really needs a conductor anyways?” They obviously knew their music well, so the bulk of the practice was the conductor stopping at different movements & talking about the story of Don Quixote & emphasizing the story to relay how the music during that movement should reflect the power of the story {whether it be war, craziness, sorrow, hope…} It was really amazing, especially for me who is NOT musical at all & when I go to symphonies, I do not usually understand what is really going on, so for him to literally walk us through it was really moving. And, he really pushed the musicians.


The other obviously AMAZING thing was being 4 rows away from Yo-Yo Ma and watching him play his solo pieces from memory. OH MY GOODNESS. His passion is remarkable, and can I just say that he was a really down to earth, humble, and fun-loving guy?! My son was shy to meet him, but I sort of pushed him up there & he got to shake his hand! Ahhhh!

It is my hope in life that my children follow their hearts, shine their lights & dream BIG. That I allow them to blossom into who God has created them to be & that I get the privilege of inspiring them along the way!


Grace & Peace,


p.s. Sorry about the horrible photos. Cameras were not allowed in & these were taken with my hubby’s iphone, which I am not used to at all!

p.p.s. I cannot believe I forgot to write this, but when we got home from our date, Sunshine Girl greeted us & in a gangsta voice said, “Did you get to meet Yo-Yo Ma-Ma?!!!” It was too funny!FreeSHIPPING

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Chop Chop Lollipop! {Downers Grove Children Photography}


“Chop Chop Lollipop!” is a cute little saying we learned from Pumpkin-Poo’s preschool teacher & I think this phrase fits perfectly for what happened last night in our home… my sweet friend Tiffany came on over & gave Pumpkins a drastic haircut! She told me after the haircut that she wants to be just like her big sis. Thankfully, her big sis did not seem to mind too much {so far!}.2014-01-31_0013

She seriously cannot stop looking in the mirror & swinging her hair around. SO CUTE! This morning she requested a photo shoot, so I let her choose some of the clothing {why she always wants to wear summer clothes in the dead of winter is beyond me?!}2014-01-31_0014

If you want to get that adorable personalized pillow, go to my friend’s shop: Sarah & Abraham for LOTS of personalized gifts for kids, including sweet Valentine gifts! Of course we love this plate for our owl lovers!


Grace & Peace,


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More Winter Adventures at the Morton Arboretum


Yesterday it was another “warm” & gorgeous 30 degree winter day, so we trekked on over to one of our favorite places in the area: The Morton Arboretum to see the husky dog demonstrations. 2014-01-27_0014

My kids were beyond giddy … especially one smitten 6 year old little girl who sleeps with “Highland Husky” {her stuffed husky dog} almost every night. She now wants a team of her own.2014-01-27_0015

We tracked down the blue-eyed/brown-eyed Husky & Sunshine Girl loved getting some love from the dogs. We also watched a really interesting presentation on the Iditarod Race in Alaska. If you do not know the history of the race, look it up! It’s really fascinating. Our presenter’s dog has participated in the race several times.2014-01-27_0016

At the end of her presentation, she said her friends in Alaska are mad as it was 50 degrees there last week! As for today, well… it’s about 20 below here in Illinois & no school today or tomorrow! Yahoo!!! I love when they are home. We baked cookies, read, snuggled, worked some more on our dog puzzle & tonight we will watch some Husky-themed Iditarod movie!


Stay warm & take a hike!


Grace & Peace,


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{Behind the Scenes} Isaiah 40 Scripture Art : Wings of Eagles


{Art available here}

Welcome to the behind the scenes of my Isaiah 40 Wings of Eagles Scripture art. I love the story of this photo and we have actually made it a Chen family tradition. But, before I start in on where I photographed this eagle, I wanted to point out the fact that in typical Isaiah 40 pieces, people only quote the last few verses…you know, the famous ones about soaring on wings of eagles, running & not growing weary, etc… In reading the entire chapter though, the part that makes this strength possible and so powerful is the verse about God’s character, so though the passage is longer I really wanted to include it:


Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.


For the last 5 years now on every Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, us Chens trek out to Starved Rock State Park in central Illinois to eagle watch and take a winter hike. The bald eagles migrate here as there is a dam in the river, so it makes for some great fishing for the birds. This year it was “warm” by Illinois standards {a shocking 34 degrees: my entire family by the way was mad at me because I made them wear so many layers & they kept stripping off layers throughout the day… not me though! I was in heaven}. This year we saw about 10 eagles total. In the past we have spotted 30 on a day. The above shot was the closest I could get, even with my super lens!2014-01-24_0014

This year the kids’ highlight was sledding down a giant ice/snow hill on their butts. They did this for at least a half hour straight, seriously. It was pretty funny to watch them. They are also really into throwing snowballs. How far can it go? How high? Will it land in the river? {who cares about the eagles…this is now old stuff!} Another highlight was the petting farm they had at the lodge where we all got to pet a deer!!!! OH MY GOODNESS. They are truly beautiful creatures. 2014-01-24_0015

We also hiked to the frozen waterfalls. It is so beautiful & quiet hiking in the snow. The kids got to walk along the frozen creek which was of course a huge adventure. We saw tons of animal tracks too. But, their favorite part of all was having Daddy with us & being “a family”… woohoo! His new work schedule is awesome!!!2014-01-24_0016

These are the eagle shots I took back in 2010. It was the first year I ever went & it was just me & my Favorite Little Mister. It was a very cold day & most of my shots were like the first shot of the lone eagle in the sky {above in the post}. Very far away & not too interesting to create art out of. We were about to leave as it was all of 17 degrees out & we went to one last spot & prayed. I really wanted a cool shot & I knew it would only be by God’s grace. Within minutes, there were several eagles diving for fish & 2 of them caught fish {do you see them in the talons?!!!} & proceeded to fly right over our heads {still quite a distance up, but again I have a monster lens.} I kept shooting, really having no idea if anything was being captured as everything happened so fast. When we got in the van, we looked through the images & behold!!! I got my shot!


Every year since, I have NEVER had that experience again. The eagles have never come close. I realize how much grace it was & such a cool answer to prayer.


Grace & Peace,




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